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20 февраля 2019 - среда

The most common children’s oral mucous membrane diseases. Acute herpetic stomatitis is an infectious virus disease, which appears in the result of primary contact with herpetic fever virus.

The most common children’s oral mucous membrane diseases.

Acute herpetic stomatitis.

It is an infectious virus disease is an infectious virus disease, which appears in the result of primary contact with herpetic fever virus.

Infection occurs

  • by airborne transmission;
  • by contact and household transmission (through toys, dishes, etc.);
  • from people, who suffer recurrent herpes

Mostly children from 6 months old to 3 years old suffer from this disease.

General signs of the disease: appearance of oral mucous membrane redness and blisters, which open fast and then multiple painful roundish ulcers (erosion), gums bleeding; body temperature increase, general weakness, intoxication; a child doesn’t eat and sleep well.

In order to prevent infection distribution a child isn’t allowed to attend childcare facilities even if the disease proceed in a very light form.

Preventive care of herpetic fever virus infection at contacting with those, who contracted a disease, is to smear nose and mouth mucous membrane with 0.25% oxolinic ointment during 5 days.

Having signs of the disease, you shall see pedodontist!

Chronic recurrent ulcerative stomatitis

It is a chronic inflammation disease of mouth mucous membrane of non-infection nature, characterized by aggravations and remissions.

Causes of disease appearance:

  • child’s allergic reaction;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • respiratory infections;
  • functional disease of central and autonomic nervous system;
  • nasopharynx chronic inflammation diseases (otitis, sinusitis, etc.)

Mostly school-aged children and teenagers suffer from this disease.

Main signs of the disease: one or several redness areas with roundish painful aphthae, covered with yellowish plaque, appear on the oral cavity mucous membrane (mostly, lips, cheeks, transitory folds of the upper and lower jaws); general state of a child may get worse, a child denies to eat; regenerative process proceeds at adequate treatment without scars after 5-7 days.

In order to prevent disease aggravations the following measures are required:

  • regular dentist appointments (twice a year);
  • elimination of infection nidus in oral cavity (treatment of teeth with caries and parodentium diseases);
  • systematical oral hygiene care.

If you have any signs of the disease, you shall consult pedodontist!

Candida infection (thrush)

It is a fungous disease, which appears in a result of Candida type fungus generation in the oral mucous membrane.

Fungus infection transmission to a child is possible:

  • while going through maternal passage of a mother, suffering from candida mycosis;
  • contact and household transmission (with dummies, clothes and other things we use to take care of newborns).

contact and household transmission (with dummies, clothes and other things we use to take care of newborns).

Main signs of disease: the disease starts without symptoms, then a child becomes agitated, doesn’t eat and sleep well. Regional lymph glands get bigger, body temperature is OK, but it may be increased, and on cheeks mucous membrane in the oral cavity by teeth occlusion line, on the palate of the mouth, lips, tongue appears plaque in the form of white spots; with fungus generation the plaque gets bigger and forms a coat, reminding curds.

In order to prevent disease appearance it is required to treat woman’s thrush during pregnancy timely and maintain healthy condition of the digestive tract of a young mother; observe sanitary and hygiene measures in maternity clinics and at home, sterilize binkies and bottle dummies.

Preventive care for children is timely revealing and treatment of dysbacteriosis, and in case of a long-term antibiotics prescription – timely prebiotics intake.

If you have any signs of the disease, you shall see pedodontist!

Bednar’s aphthae

It is an inflammation disease of oral cavity mucous membrane of non-infectious nature, appearing at bottle fed nursing weaken babies in their first months of life.

Cause of disease appearance:

  • permanent mechanical trauma of root mucous membrane with too long and hard dummy;
  • breast fed babies can have it, if the mother’s nipple is too hard.

Main signs of disease: roundish and oval erosions covered with crumbly plaque and located symmetrically on the border of hard and soft palate, redness of surrounding mucous membrane. A child becomes agitated, doesn’t eat and sleep well.

In order to prevent disease appearance it is required to change a dummy or a binky timely in case of oral cavity mucous membrane irritation appearance.

If you have any signs of the disease, you shall see pedodontist!

In case of appearance of any changes of oral cavity mucous membrane you shall see pedodontist in order to avoid complications and pass complex examination and treatment!!!



If you have any questions on rendering dentistry medical assistance in our Clinic (Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic), you may send them to our e-mail nocar@sosp.ru.


20 февраля 2019 - среда

The most common children’s oral mucous membrane diseases. Acute herpetic stomatitis is an infectious virus disease, which appears in the result of primary contact with herpetic fever virus.

The most common children’s oral mucous membrane diseases.

Acute herpetic stomatitis.

It is an infectious virus disease is an infectious virus disease, which appears in the result of primary contact with herpetic fever virus.

Infection occurs

Mostly children from 6 months old to 3 years old suffer from this disease.

General signs of the disease: appearance of oral mucous membrane redness and blisters, which open fast and then multiple painful roundish ulcers (erosion), gums bleeding; body temperature increase, general weakness, intoxication; a child doesn’t eat and sleep well.

In order to prevent infection distribution a child isn’t allowed to attend childcare facilities even if the disease proceed in a very light form.

Preventive care of herpetic fever virus infection at contacting with those, who contracted a disease, is to smear nose and mouth mucous membrane with 0.25% oxolinic ointment during 5 days.

Having signs of the disease, you shall see pedodontist!

Chronic recurrent ulcerative stomatitis

It is a chronic inflammation disease of mouth mucous membrane of non-infection nature, characterized by aggravations and remissions.

Causes of disease appearance:

Mostly school-aged children and teenagers suffer from this disease.

Main signs of the disease: one or several redness areas with roundish painful aphthae, covered with yellowish plaque, appear on the oral cavity mucous membrane (mostly, lips, cheeks, transitory folds of the upper and lower jaws); general state of a child may get worse, a child denies to eat; regenerative process proceeds at adequate treatment without scars after 5-7 days.

In order to prevent disease aggravations the following measures are required:

If you have any signs of the disease, you shall consult pedodontist!

Candida infection (thrush)

It is a fungous disease, which appears in a result of Candida type fungus generation in the oral mucous membrane.

Fungus infection transmission to a child is possible:

contact and household transmission (with dummies, clothes and other things we use to take care of newborns).

Main signs of disease: the disease starts without symptoms, then a child becomes agitated, doesn’t eat and sleep well. Regional lymph glands get bigger, body temperature is OK, but it may be increased, and on cheeks mucous membrane in the oral cavity by teeth occlusion line, on the palate of the mouth, lips, tongue appears plaque in the form of white spots; with fungus generation the plaque gets bigger and forms a coat, reminding curds.

In order to prevent disease appearance it is required to treat woman’s thrush during pregnancy timely and maintain healthy condition of the digestive tract of a young mother; observe sanitary and hygiene measures in maternity clinics and at home, sterilize binkies and bottle dummies.

Preventive care for children is timely revealing and treatment of dysbacteriosis, and in case of a long-term antibiotics prescription – timely prebiotics intake.

If you have any signs of the disease, you shall see pedodontist!

Bednar’s aphthae

It is an inflammation disease of oral cavity mucous membrane of non-infectious nature, appearing at bottle fed nursing weaken babies in their first months of life.

Cause of disease appearance:

Main signs of disease: roundish and oval erosions covered with crumbly plaque and located symmetrically on the border of hard and soft palate, redness of surrounding mucous membrane. A child becomes agitated, doesn’t eat and sleep well.

In order to prevent disease appearance it is required to change a dummy or a binky timely in case of oral cavity mucous membrane irritation appearance.

If you have any signs of the disease, you shall see pedodontist!

In case of appearance of any changes of oral cavity mucous membrane you shall see pedodontist in order to avoid complications and pass complex examination and treatment!!!

If you have any questions on rendering dentistry medical assistance in our Clinic (Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic), you may send them to our e-mail nocar@sosp.ru.