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21 января 2019 - понедельник

What is teeth caries?

Teeth caries is a process of hard tooth tissue destruction (demineralization and disrupture), flowing with participation of microorganisms with the following formation of a defect (cavity) in enamel and dentine.

Why does caries appear?

In the process of its vital activity, dental plaque microorganisms use food leftovers carbohydrates, and it leads to creation of organic acids, which destroy enamel structure.

Cariosity development includes 4 stages, each of which reflects intensity of damage of teeth hard tissue with cariosity:

1. At the stage of a spot caries looks like a white spot on a tooth surface (eventually, a white spot may darken). Herewith, enamel surface remains smooth and maintains shine. At this stage of caries, there are no signs of enamel destruction and defect formation. 2. Superficial caries form is the caries form, when destruction of tooth enamel superficial layer arises, but it’s within enamel-dentine borders. So, dentine isn’t affected by superficial caries.
3. Medium caries is a curiosity process, which affects dentine upper layers besides tooth enamel. 4. Deep form of caries is a form, when destruction process spreads to dentine deep layers, located in close vicinity to a tooth pulp.

Main reasons of appearance and development of tooth caries:

  • insufficient oral hygiene (insufficient dental care and irregular tooth cleaning);
  • irregular dentist appointments;
  • weakening of immune defense of the body;
  • improper nutrition (insufficiency of vitamins, abundance of sugar-containing food, etc.);
  • low content of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in potable water;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • various previous and concurrent diseases, which a person comes through in early childhood, disturb correct formation of tooth tissues, making them more sensitive to caries in the future.

Caries treatment and preventive measures

Treatment of caries at the stage of a spot is executed by applying products, which restores tooth structure (remineralization therapy), which shall be performed by a dentist.

Treatment of superficial, medium and deep caries is executed by removal of affected tissues with the following fitting of a filling.

Main caries preventive measures are as follows:

  • regular individual oral hygiene;
  • reduction of consumption of easily digested carbohydrates;
  • usage of fluoride toothpaste;
  • preventive dentist appointment at least ones half a year;
  • professional oral hygiene at least ones half a year;
  • sealing of fissures as fissure caries preventive measure (mainly, for children);
  • remineralization therapy, executed by a dentist, for patients with increased risk of caries appearance (for example, if a person wears braces).


If you have any questions, related to your and your child’s dental health, you may get answers to them in Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic.



If you have any questions on rendering dentistry medical assistance in our Clinic (Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic), you may send them to our e-mail nocar@sosp.ru.


21 января 2019 - понедельник

What is teeth caries?

Teeth caries is a process of hard tooth tissue destruction (demineralization and disrupture), flowing with participation of microorganisms with the following formation of a defect (cavity) in enamel and dentine.

Why does caries appear?

In the process of its vital activity, dental plaque microorganisms use food leftovers carbohydrates, and it leads to creation of organic acids, which destroy enamel structure.

Cariosity development includes 4 stages, each of which reflects intensity of damage of teeth hard tissue with cariosity:

1. At the stage of a spot caries looks like a white spot on a tooth surface (eventually, a white spot may darken). Herewith, enamel surface remains smooth and maintains shine. At this stage of caries, there are no signs of enamel destruction and defect formation. 2. Superficial caries form is the caries form, when destruction of tooth enamel superficial layer arises, but it’s within enamel-dentine borders. So, dentine isn’t affected by superficial caries.
3. Medium caries is a curiosity process, which affects dentine upper layers besides tooth enamel. 4. Deep form of caries is a form, when destruction process spreads to dentine deep layers, located in close vicinity to a tooth pulp.

Main reasons of appearance and development of tooth caries:

  • insufficient oral hygiene (insufficient dental care and irregular tooth cleaning);
  • irregular dentist appointments;
  • weakening of immune defense of the body;
  • improper nutrition (insufficiency of vitamins, abundance of sugar-containing food, etc.);
  • low content of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus in potable water;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • various previous and concurrent diseases, which a person comes through in early childhood, disturb correct formation of tooth tissues, making them more sensitive to caries in the future.

Caries treatment and preventive measures

Treatment of caries at the stage of a spot is executed by applying products, which restores tooth structure (remineralization therapy), which shall be performed by a dentist.

Treatment of superficial, medium and deep caries is executed by removal of affected tissues with the following fitting of a filling.

Main caries preventive measures are as follows:


If you have any questions, related to your and your child’s dental health, you may get answers to them in Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic.

If you have any questions on rendering dentistry medical assistance in our Clinic (Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic), you may send them to our e-mail nocar@sosp.ru.