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5 марта 2019 - вторник

At first prothesis may cause nausea, excessive salivation, speech uncertainty, loss or decrease of taste and tactile feelings, complicated meal biting and mastication.

As you get habituated to the prothesis, these phenomenon will gradually disappear.

For purposes of fast prothesis habituation, it is recommended:

  • do not remove prothesis for a nighttime in first 2-3 weeks; in some cases it’s possible to take removable prothesis off for a nighttime after complete habituation, your doctor will inform you on that;
  • when you get a removable prothesis, you shall use it during conversation and meal without taking it off;
  • you may use special adhesive products (creams, gels) upon your doctor’s recommendation for better habituation to a removable prothesis.

Removable prothesis are subject to systematical hygiene care. You shall clean it outside and inside with warm water out of the oral cavity with a toothbrush with soft bristles and with non-abrasive toothpaste twice a day (in the morning after meal and in the evening before going to bed).

You shall rinse removable prothesis after each meal, as far as it’s possible.

It’s extremely welcome to use special solutions and tablets, possessing additional disinfection and deodorant effect, once or twice a day (according to the manufacturer’s indications) for cleaning removable prothesis out of the oral cavity. In case, if a removable prothesis is taken off for a nighttime, you shall store it in a special container in wet environment.

If a removable prothesis hurt, and it’s an entirely possible symptom in the period of habituation to a prothesis (up to 1 month), you shall remove a prothesis and contact your doctor. Herewith, 2-3 hours before an appointment you shall wear a prothesis, so that the reason, causing painful feelings, would be seen.

In order to avoid prothesis breaking or precipitate plastic attrition, you shall eliminate hard products from your daily ration (nuts, crackers, etc.). It is impermissible to fall a removable prothesis on hard surfaces in order to avoid its breakage and cracking.

If cracks appear on prothesis or it breaks, it’s not allowed to use such prothesis, because trauma of oral cavity and tongue soft tissues may occur.

It is required to contact your doctor. It’s forbidden to try to repair prothesis independently, make any alterations. In the result the prothesis will be spoiled.

Removable prothesis is subject to replacement after 3-5 years of operation as a result of continuous process of jaw osseous tissue atrophy.

Remember, that you shall visit dentist at least twice a year.



If you have any questions on rendering dentistry medical assistance in our Clinic (Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic), you may send them to our e-mail nocar@sosp.ru.


5 марта 2019 - вторник

At first prothesis may cause nausea, excessive salivation, speech uncertainty, loss or decrease of taste and tactile feelings, complicated meal biting and mastication.

As you get habituated to the prothesis, these phenomenon will gradually disappear.

For purposes of fast prothesis habituation, it is recommended:

Removable prothesis are subject to systematical hygiene care. You shall clean it outside and inside with warm water out of the oral cavity with a toothbrush with soft bristles and with non-abrasive toothpaste twice a day (in the morning after meal and in the evening before going to bed).

You shall rinse removable prothesis after each meal, as far as it’s possible.

It’s extremely welcome to use special solutions and tablets, possessing additional disinfection and deodorant effect, once or twice a day (according to the manufacturer’s indications) for cleaning removable prothesis out of the oral cavity. In case, if a removable prothesis is taken off for a nighttime, you shall store it in a special container in wet environment.

If a removable prothesis hurt, and it’s an entirely possible symptom in the period of habituation to a prothesis (up to 1 month), you shall remove a prothesis and contact your doctor. Herewith, 2-3 hours before an appointment you shall wear a prothesis, so that the reason, causing painful feelings, would be seen.

In order to avoid prothesis breaking or precipitate plastic attrition, you shall eliminate hard products from your daily ration (nuts, crackers, etc.). It is impermissible to fall a removable prothesis on hard surfaces in order to avoid its breakage and cracking.

If cracks appear on prothesis or it breaks, it’s not allowed to use such prothesis, because trauma of oral cavity and tongue soft tissues may occur.

It is required to contact your doctor. It’s forbidden to try to repair prothesis independently, make any alterations. In the result the prothesis will be spoiled.

Removable prothesis is subject to replacement after 3-5 years of operation as a result of continuous process of jaw osseous tissue atrophy.

Remember, that you shall visit dentist at least twice a year.

If you have any questions on rendering dentistry medical assistance in our Clinic (Sverdlovsk Regional Dental Clinic), you may send them to our e-mail nocar@sosp.ru.